Former Chief Scientist Micahel Yeadon: Final Warning to Humanity-Talk
This is the kind of thing that irks me. I first saw this video at the following URL: The video is protected and I had to look at the network section of the web developer tool in my browser to get the video. It turns out that the above site is pilfering the video from who provides free to download and view without confusion or trying to hide the video.
Looking at the About Me this Dr.Charles does not mention by what right he can call himself a doctor. A Puritan upbringing which should raise deafening klaxons in the head. He admits fully to leaving his wife and children behind to leave the cult, so right away he proves his first instinct is to run away.
Notice on the site one cannot copy any text and I showed proof he with the video goes to the effort to "protect" a video he stole from somewhere else who has no such protection on the video. He is now a banker:
This "Dr.Charles" is a fake and snake. Only a snake would protect a video shared publicly without protections in the interest of the public for his own profit. How much other stuff is trying to imply is his own that is not so you sign up for the "Insiders Club"?
In the moral domino of being a scum, then repeat, he is also in showbiz, called the "Charles Ward Show". Click on the My Videos link and scroll down. There is a couple of ads to appeal to the American Patriot. Wait a second Sherlock. Didn' t he in his bio say he was born in UK, abandoned his family and moved to Spain (he could have stayed in the UK and built a new life, eh?) and has lived there ever since? So, what does an American Patriot want to do with a long nosed Brit who got muh bored, and left?
Looking at the first page he has new age mumbo jumbo to reel in the stupid and naive. For a low monthly subscription he will feed your ego by feeding you nonsense that makes the suckers feel so damn smart.
Go to the Join The Insiders Club page for more nauseating garbage. Keep the college days puke pail on hand, it could get messy.
Charles Ward is a clown, please enjoy the work I did to pilfer the video from the pilferer. No club, no fees, no nonsense, no strings.
This is the last I' am going to do with TheBigCovidLie, if the present copious amount of material doesn' t convince you then maybe you should turn the TV back on. If I come across something on the effects of the vaccines (which there is already something here) sufficiently interesting that is a different story.
Jake Arminius | 2025-01-30
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