
I smell Mossad in this, as it is not the Palestinian operandi modus to damage what is also sacred to them. As the world is distracted by Russia protecting Russians and innocent civilians shelled and murdered by death squads for 8 years and with Ramadan it was an opportunity for Israhel to not be noticed doing animal sacrifices at the old Roman garrison fallaciously called the Temple Mount. Which is a prerequisite for their delusional self-prophecy of rebuilding a temple God obviously does not want in his name.

During Herod' s time (the half-Edomite, aka Jew/Yid, whose father was put on the Throne with help from Caesar Julius) the Second Temple was destroyed through various sieges of Jerusalem along with the walls. Herod rebuilt the Second Temple (and walls) taking 10 years as the story goes. Even if you ignore the ancients which is the story I told you and take the word of people 2000 years later with an agenda Herod' s "renovations" were so extensive, and took so long the logic goes to what the ancients (particularly Flavius Josephus) said; that Herod' s Temple was the Third. Destroyed to the last brick by Titus as the Khristos foretold.

Ancient walls were built with very large stones on the bottom, called foundation stones, while the wall was much wider at the base then the top where the stones were smaller. Looking at old sites today you do not see this because these foundation stones were buried, to protect against sappers, and basic building physics. This is what you see at the Wailing Wall which is the remains of the old Western Wall that made Jerusalem, along with the terrain, a very difficult city to conquer. I will have to make pages of the proof but what is called the Temple Mount is the old Roman garrison which was not far from the Temple Mount and likely a reason why the lie continues. Much easier to impersonate a location when it is next door and not a stone remains any more.

A major part of the prerequisites for the Yiddish to build their "Third Temple" is the resumption of animal sacrifices at the Temple Mount. One they got the numerical ordering wrong, and second that prerequisite was annulled by the Khristos. Now with the desecration it is they have a flimsy excuse for more repressions, more expulsions, and more restricting access too the Al Aqsa Mosque. The whole raised platform is owned by the King of Jordon, who is the legitimate King of Arabs, who is still too Zionist friendly to properly fulfil his duties to the Arabs as King.

At first glance it seems to some Palestinians did this sacrilege but then why do they not attack Christian sites? Since Joseph's Tomb is also a Christian holy site, and not actually Jewish, and they respect Christianity more than Judaism, why this particular Tomb? A large number are going to think the Israelites were Jews who are actually Edomite (Easu) Turks yet after all this time and all the opportunities they have not attacked Christian holy sites of such significance, if at all, since at least the Zionist Occupation. There will be those that could be enticed to do this without question. Who would entice them? Palestinians who would only bring more suffering upon themselves? West Bank organizations not willing to continue the resistance? Or Mossad letting loose a hand picked number after careful grooming? The questioning answers itself.

The Yiddish Lying Psychopaths cannot with validity claim to be offended when they routinely cut down olive trees which also "... is attacking the heart of a people".

- Jake Arminius

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