Take Your Choice Part 1 and Part 2

Source: https://counter-currents.com/2020/08/take-your-choice-part-i-strange-times-ahead/, https://counter-currents.com/2020/08/take-your-choice-part-ii-stop-the-hate/

by: Beau Albrecht

An essay on the book and author Take Your Choice: Seperation or Mongrelization by Theodore G. Bilbo published by Dream House (1947), Poplarville, Mississipi. - Jake Arminius

Part 1: Strange Times Ahead

The final political testament by Senator Bilbo of Mississippi, Take Your Choice, is a useful opportunity to see how well old documents stand in the light of the present day. Viewpoints condemned by The Narrative as outmoded, reactionary, “on the wrong side of history,” and so forth, often were right all along. (Meanwhile, since long ago, Leftists usually have been wrong about everything — what a surprise!) Not only is the book an illustration of this, and a documentary of what a social engineering campaign looks like in its earliest stages, it remains a powerful argument against disappearing forever into the melting pot.

Senator Bilbo’s ideology

Theodore G. Bilbo was from a time, difficult to imagine in the present day, when the USA had an abundance of explicitly pro-white political figures. Moreover, he certainly was the type who would call a shovel a shovel. By the end of his career, the cultural revolution known as the modern civil rights movement was in its first stirrings. Thus, the Overton Window had started moving, and being as outspoken as he was about race (from a white perspective, of course) was beginning to go against the grain.

During the 1940s, a political realignment was taking place. To make a long story short, the Democrats once were the pro-white party, and the Republicans courted black votes. Following that, the positions began to reverse, though the Republicans never really went further than dog-whistling to get white voters on board with false implicit promises. What caused the realignment was when the Democrats made civil rights (or looking at it another way, policies appealing to blacks) part of their platform, just like the competition. Eventually, of course, the Evil Party outdid the Stupid Party in this regard. They certainly got a lock on it when LBJ created welfare a couple of decades later; as he explained in a candid moment, “I’ll have them [African-Americans] voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” There were some dissenters, and even up until the 1980s it wasn’t remarkable to find Southern Democrats who changed neither their views nor their party affiliation.

Despite his outspokenness, Theodore Bilbo wasn’t a “fringe” figure. He had been elected to three terms in the US Senate and had a long career before that in Mississippi state politics. (Despite the name, he never held office in The Shire.) In the past, being pro-white was normal, just as these days characters like Ilhan Omar and AOC can be as openly anti-white as they want without being considered extremists for that. In the 1940s, radical egalitarianism was the fringe position, hardly the orthodoxy it is today. He noticed that it was part of the noisome Leftist froth that sometimes bubbled to the surface of the New Deal era, and sensed where it was heading.

Senator Bilbo’s views could be classified as socially paleoconservative and fiscally liberal. That would make him the diametric opposite of a modern neocon or libertarian. It’s become a somewhat exotic ideological position in contemporary times, found mostly in parts of the Dissident Right. Simply put, he was a champion of the common people, but specifically of his own people. Sometimes his memory still is invoked by the usual suspects as an archetypal evil Southern politician, although he’s less prominent in recent memory than figures like George Wallace and Bull Connor. It’s quite true that his style was rather inflammatory, in many cases about politically incorrect sentiments. Sometimes he was able to get black support, though the relationship always was uneasy.

In principle, it shouldn’t be the least bit remarkable for a legislator to favor the country’s majority and founding population. It really should be a job requirement. Lately, everything is the opposite of sensible. Most mainstream politicians are cucks, globalist shills, or worse. Many will appeal openly to minority constituencies, but few would dare express pro-white sentiments beyond the occasional use of timidly coded language — in other words, dogwhistle politics. Since 1988, the Republican Party has been able to win some elections mostly because they’re not as bad as the Democratic candidate, and they might as well make “the lesser of two evils” their official motto. In the end, they’ve probably signed their death warrant by failing to fix the immigration problem.

Introductory notes

Despite what one might expect, given his reputation as a monster among today’s politically correct types, Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization begins on a conciliatory note. It states that the object not about condemnation or denunciation of any race, but rather to preserve the integrity of all of them. Then:

Be it said to the credit of the black or Negro race in the United States that no right-thinking and straight-thinking Negro desires that the blood of his black race shall be contaminated or destroyed by the commingling of his blood with either the white or yellow races. The desire to mix, commingle, interbreed or marry into the white race by the Negro race is advocated largely by the mulattoes or mongrels who are now to an alarming degree found within the Negro race in this country.

It’s a theme that he reiterates later. I’ll add that those of mixed ancestry often find it difficult to identify with one side or another. They can’t help what their background is, and being confused isn’t their fault. The problem is that a few are enthusiastic about remaking the world in their image. It’s understandable that it would resolve their discomfort about not fitting in, but social engineering on that scale is out of the question. It’s not just a matter of black-white crossings. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian-Japanese trust fund kid who gained the ear of numerous banksters and politicians, became something of a high-level professional activist and made globalism his lifelong quest. Creating a worldwide melting pot was one of his objectives.

Another past example is Frederick Douglass. (This abolitionist ironically became a victim of “cancel culture” after Leftist fanatics destroyed his statue.) Although Douglass was a powerful advocate for the black cause, identifying with his mother’s ancestry and siding politically with it, he wasn’t quite so consistent in his personal life. There were plausible rumors of affairs with two white women during his first marriage. His second wife was white, and twenty years younger.

A more recent example is Tiger Woods. Although he speaks proudly of his tri-racial background, he has a strong preference for white women. Moreover, his choices tend to be Nordic ice princesses, and merely one will not do. Of course, he’s far from the only non-white athlete or celebrity known for white trophy wives, groupies, or both. Lately, these preferences are no longer limited to “mulattoes or mongrels,” as Senator Bilbo put it. In time, this generally became trendy for black celebrities and activists (ridiculous as it is). The depth of envy and cultural cringe that this reveals is positively grotesque. Whatever happened to black pride?

Frank Marshall Davis is a notable example. So is St. Dr. Rev. MLK Jr., who had repeated liaisons with both black and white prostitutes, inspiring the Reverend’s epically embarrassing “I’m not a Negro tonight” and “I’m fucking for God” remarks. The Drum Major of Social Justice also caused an incident on a trip to receive his Nobel Peace Prize when he chased nude Norwegian prostitutes through a hotel — surely after doing something that frightened them. Nicole Brown Simpson would’ve been a great authority on such relationship dynamics — specifically, being partnered with someone belonging to a race that has historic grudges against hers, worsened by decades of constant agitation. For obvious reasons, she’s unavailable to discuss what can go wrong.

The book emphasizes that time is running out. One professor estimated that races in America would cease to exist after nine generations (about three hundred years). Note well, cultural Marxism was barely getting started; all this was written before MSM propaganda, celebrity airheads, and “woke” advertisements were aggressively pushing these trends. Will all racial diversity disappear by 2250? I would estimate that there still will be remnants of all present races in their pure forms, but incalculable damage will be done unless the present trajectory is changed.

It is indeed a sorry white man and white woman who when put on notice of the inevitable result of mongrelization of their race and their civilization are yet unwilling to put forth any effort or make any sacrifice to save themselves and their off-spring from this great and certain calamity. YOU MUST TAKE YOUR CHOICE!
Personally, the writer of this book would rather see his race and his civilization blotted out with the atomic bomb than to see it slowly but surely destroyed in the maelstrom of miscegenation, interbreeding, intermarriage, and mongrelization. The destruction in either case would be inevitable — one in a flash and the other by the slow but certain process of sin, degradation, and mongrelization.

Even in 1947, back when America was impossibly normal by Clown World’s standards, he could imagine the white race eventually undergoing a “death by a thousand cuts” if we did nothing. It turns out that this — as well as mass Third World migration — would start getting pushed in all countries across Western civilization. (This began everywhere about the same time; what a coinkydink!) His preface concludes by stating that separation is the only solution.

Earnest Sevier Cox, another notable race realist from those times, wrote the introduction. He explains that there exists widespread black support for a return to the African homeland. As for the opponents of nationalism:

They say that man, regardless of his several biological variations, is essentially the same; that race is constituted of biological evidences which are “superficial,” and for that reason races are “equal.” The miscegenationists, however, are weakened by their own conclusions for if races are “equal” it is difficult to see that any biological advantage would flow from commingling them.

This is similar to a point I’ve made several times. They want to destroy diversity in the name of diversity. If all races are the same, then why are they in such a hurry to get rid of them? Could be there’s an agenda. . .

The Race Issue: Our Greatest Domestic Problem

This chapter has an interesting opening. Recall that it was published in 1947, soon after we’d Made the World Safe For Democracy, by gum. Senator Bilbo probably wasn’t really taken in by “Spitfire Nationalist” types of pieties, but the following grows increasingly ironic with the passage of time:

As The United States of America, the most powerful of all the nations of the world, and her heroic Allies are celebrating complete and final victory and writing finis to the greatest war in human history, there is an internal problem which looms high upon our national horizon, casting a shadow across the length and breadth of this land. The eternal question of color — the race issue — the Negro problem. Call it what you wish. It must be faced!

No matter what happens in the coming days, be comforted that at least we’re not all speaking German! Then there’s a point that will be of little surprise here:

From the time of slavery through the bloody years of the War Between the States and the days when the South drank from the bitter cup of Reconstruction down to the present time, the Negro problem has been before the American people. It has been, and is today, our greatest domestic problem. No other issue has been such a source of constant friction, has demanded so much thought and attention, nor has lasted so long.

He noted that over two hundred books advocating radical racial egalitarianism had been published over the previous four or five years. Meanwhile, only five or six books came out with a contradictory message. Many of the egalitarian books also promoted race-mixing. Obviously what he noticed was hardly even the tip of the iceberg compared to the propaganda deluge in later decades. Ja, aber zumindest sprechen wir nicht alle deutsch.

I’ll add that things weren’t always this way. In earlier times, pro-white authors like Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and Paul Popenoe dominated the discourse. What the Senator observed was merely the beginning of a major push to change public opinion, one of the first effects of early cultural Marxism. Just as obviously, the major publishers actively participated in this ideological bias. This new deluge of radical egalitarian books was an early instance of “Woke Capital” in effect. One may, of course, draw conclusions about who was doing this and why.

Other than that, counter-Narrative literature eventually became practically unobtainable, including the book he wrote. (David Duke’s first Red Pill moment was in 1963. While researching for a civics class project, he found plenty of books opposing school segregation in his library and local New Orleans bookstore. However, he found not a single one arguing for segregation until he discovered the White Citizens Council office with a wide selection of works from eminent authors.) Thanks to corporate ideological conformity, pro-white books became nearly as underground as samizdat texts in the USSR. Only someone with access to obscure academic collections, or who had contact with Dissident Right circles, was likely even to know about it. For everyone else, one might’ve imagined that multiracialism had near-universal agreement, opposed only by a few hillbillies with green teeth. This persisted until the Internet partially circumvented the corporate information blockade.

Then the book mentioned the recent desegregation of the military, sparking riots in Detroit, Beaumont, Columbia, and New York. This was, of course, the first major instance of our armed forces being used as a testbed for rolling out social experiments. Moreover, the desegregation effort was just beginning; the greatest part of that began during the mid-1950s, and the de jure form ended by the mid-1960s. The bumpy ride called the civil rights movement, with St. Dr. Rev. MLK Jr. as the main figurehead, eventually set the Overton Window on course for contemporary dysfunction. To name a few items, this includes a massive crime wave, moral huckstering, the takeover of countless neighborhoods, shakedown artists, the “walking on eggshells” reign of political correctness, and the Obama presidency. At the present point on the primrose path to social justice, we got coast-to-coast riots about a dead drug-sodden criminal, an unprecedented wave of vandalism, and brain-dead leftists demanding to abolish the police. Ah, Progress!

Indeed, Senator Bilbo was presciently aware that some major efforts were afoot, and what might eventually become of it. He was looking at things in a very long time horizon, which these days would be a rare gift in a politician.

Time waits for no one and fate plays no favorites. If we do not choose to save ourselves. then our destruction is inevitable. And our time for choosing is limited. Segregation is only a stop gap-it has and will delay for awhile the inevitable results of mongrelization. But there is a day in the future when we may be lost without redemption.

If we do nothing, eventually distinct races will be blended out of existence. Even at this early point, there were some who thought that would be wonderful. As Sir Oswald Mosley put it later in 1963:

They talked of what they called “multiracialism,” which was simply a universal mix-up: Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake it together, and heaven knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what existed, all the little grey people of the world who hate the beautiful diversity of human development. They always want to get rid of the natural, the noble and the beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it; they wanted to make all nature as grey as themselves. It was their deep instinct.

That much hasn’t changed since then.

Race and Civilization

This chapter describes the fates of several ancient nations, particularly in the Mediterranean region and India. I’ll add that this was from a time when the Near East was considerably whiter, and North Africans had greater similarity to primordial European populations of the Mediterranean. These areas are still recognizably Caucasoid, though pure white phenotypes are in the minority. Obviously, this represents a vast expanse of lost territory.

Some of these civilizations started as all white. Others had a white ruling class (which surely felt assured of its prominence at the time). Initially, all of them were very promising. Eventually, migration from abroad, slavery, and warfare led to gene flow. After the white element got mixed up in the multiracial hodgepodges, these civilizations lost their dynamism and fell into decline.

All this, of course, is fairly familiar ground for race realists today. We can go the way these other civilizations went, or we can choose separation.

The Negro Problem in American History

This begins with a description of how slavery developed, which Senator Bilbo realizes was a terrible mistake. What might surprise some is that there was a time when it wasn’t only a Southern problem.

There was also a demand for slaves in the colonies in the Northern section of the country. As early as 1741, Negroes were so numerous in the City of New York that panic-stricken colonists feared for their own safety, and by the time of the Revolution, there were 26,000 Negroes in the colony of New York.

The North didn’t develop an extensive plantation economy, but they did play a key role early on:

The slave trade was a regular business with the colonial Yankees; it furnished wealth and adventure. Having some one hundred and fifty vessels engaged in the African slave trade in 1770, Rhode Island is said to have been responsible for bringing more Africans to this country than any of the other New England colonies.

He doesn’t give further details about who many of these merchants running this dirty racket out of Providence were. Some of their modern relatives endlessly scold other people about what happened a long time ago, yet conveniently forget their own role in it. I don’t buy into collective guilt, but those who do should remember that it cuts both ways. In other words, they should stop doing that.

Rising tensions concerning slavery led to Secession. Soon after, the Civil War erupted. (Despite occasional grumbling on the Dissident Right about “Tyrant Lincoln,” he actually was on our side. We should save our rhetorical firepower for his successors, like the mattoid Thaddeus Stevens.) Senator Bilbo quotes extensively from the Lincoln-Douglas debates, for example:

A SEPARATION OF THE RACES IS THE ONLY PERFECT PREVENTIVE OF AMALGAMATION; But as an immediate separation is impossible the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. . .
Such separation, if ever effected at all, must be effected by colonization; and no political party, as such, is now doing anything directly for colonization. Party operations at present only favor or retard colonization incidentally. The enterprise is a difficult one; but ‘where there is a will there is a way,’ and what colonization needs most is a hearty will. Will springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest.

Note well, separation was hardly an “extremist” position. Instead, it was a mainstream position for a very long time. Early on, Bilbo listed the following like minds: “Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Clay, Webster, Fillmore, Lincoln, Grant, and other great Americans.” Of course, some of them are running afoul of today’s “cancel culture,” but really, anyone to the right of Ho Chi Minh is at risk of getting thrown down the memory hole. Who better represents what America is all about — today’s politically correct zombies trying to hijack the country, or the guy on the $5 bill?

Then this:

In his first annual message to Congress in December, 1861, President Lincoln recommended that steps be taken for the colonization of the Negroes “at some place or places in a climate congenial to them.”

If that wasn’t enough, the Emancipation Proclamation itself explicitly mentioned colonization as a desirable outcome. These plans didn’t get carried out for obvious reasons:

With Lincoln’s death on April 14, 1865, his plans for rebuilding the South and reuniting the Nation as well as his plans for solving the Negro problem were completely cast aside and forgotten. While a Nation mourned for her fallen leader, a group of powerful politicians, led by Thaddeus Stevens, planned to take over the reins of government and force Negro domination upon the South. They were destined to write the blackest pages in American history.

The book provides a brief description of the colossal fiasco called the Radical Reconstruction. Freedmen became political pawns, manipulated by carpetbagger demagogues. During this time, the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, passed legitimately. However, the author makes a good case that the 14th (much abused by liberal judges) and 15th Amendments were illegitimate. Much chaos and misrule followed. (Specifics about the gruesome crime wave are left undescribed.) After that, the Southern whites arose and threw off the yoke, and the Redemption ended the Radical Reconstruction.

Southern Segregation and the Color Line

Much has been said about segregation in the long national debate, but it all boiled down to this:

Briefly and plainly stated, the object of this policy is to prevent the two races from meeting on terms of social equality. By established practice, each race maintains its own institutions and promotes its own social life. The residential areas of the towns are segregated; separate schools are maintained; separate accommodations are provided for the members of each race in public places and on the trains, busses, and streetcars.

I’ll add that it’s understandable that blacks felt offended by having to use separate lunch counters and waiting rooms and so forth. Still, these measures weren’t motivated by mean-spiritedness, but rather to prevent a renewal of the violence and reprisals that had characterized the Radical Reconstruction. Note well, after segregation ended, the crime rate increased dramatically and is still out of control. Family disruption was one problem, a consequence of libertinism and welfare, and so was judicial leniency of the “society made him do it” sort — all ways that bad Leftist ideology hurt the black community. Moreover, there were no longer limitations to prevent street crime from spilling over into white areas. Oddly, we’re blamed for not wanting to live around them.

Another practical reason for separation, as the book points out, is preserving genetic integrity. Latin America went in a different direction, one that led to massive genetic confusion. The following description doesn’t even cover half of the odd terminology once used in the attempt to classify the chaotic results:

The fusion of whites and Indians produced mestizos; the fusion of whites and Negroes produced mulattoes; the fusion of Negroes and Indians produced zambos. Mongrelization started in South America, and there was no power to stop it. The population began to consist of mestizos, mulattoes, zambos, terceroones, quadroons, cholos, musties, fusties, and dusties. There were crosses between Spaniards and Indians, Spaniards and Negroes, Spaniards and yellows; crosses between these half-breed off-spring and the whites and blacks; crosses between mongrels of one kind and mongrels of another kind; half-breeds, cross-breeds, mix-breeds soon infested the land!

Leaving things up to personal preference is not enough:

There are all sorts of people, and there is no explanation for the actions or tastes of some individuals; for example, note the recent marriage of the twenty-one-year-old white girl from Canada to the corpulent, fraudulent, pot-bellied, coal-black, seventy-year-old Negro who calls himself Father Divine.

I’ll add that Time wrote about the marriage of the elderly cult leader claiming to be God to this “21-year-old blonde from Vancouver” in their August 19, 1946 edition. The article was called “Made in Heaven,” about what one might expect from Time.

Senator Bilbo also understood that normal people in normal circumstances have little enthusiasm for race-mixing. (There may well be something instinctual accounting for the feeling of disgust that it still evokes, despite a massive indoctrination campaign to normalize it.) However, factors such as propaganda could accelerate degenerate tendencies.

If the racial instinct of the white race is so strong, then wherein does the danger lie? There is, of course, no real danger when the instinct is aroused and on guard. Without a doubt, this has been the salvation of the South. But today a constant warfare is being waged against this instinct, and every conceivable effort is being made to destroy it altogether or to drug it to sleep in the name of science, of democracy, or of religion.

Since then, of course, hair-raising instances of race-mixing have become much more commonplace, especially now that certain celebrity airheads began promoting it aggressively, even the British royals now. So are the MSM, advertising firms, and even the porn industry. Note well, I really would prefer not to have to call out certain groups for bad behavior, but the ones involved need to stop doing that.

Part 2: Stop The Hate!

Senator Bilbo excerpts from a compilation of fourteen essays by black notables in one of the recent egalitarian books, What the Negro Wants, edited by Rayford W. Logan (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1944). He identifies one of the authors, W. E. B. DuBois, as “the real leader of the Negro intelligentsia in America.” I’ll add that he was a Communist. They had been conducting efforts to recruit blacks since the 1920s and did make some headway. Doxey A. Wilkerson was another Marxist in the anthology, and Langston Hughes was at least a comsymp.

The writers of the anthology, as one might expect, wanted complete integration. Included with the demands, some explicitly wanted intermarriage with whites. Some already had done so themselves. (If certain black activists didn’t think their own women were good enough, that obviously calls into question how dedicated they were to their own race and its future.) Senator Bilbo estimated that some others were enthusiastic about that possibility too, but were avoiding the topic to prevent controversy. Leftists having to care about optics — imagine that! Either way, race-mixing is implicit in these boilerplate demands for complete removal of the color bar, or at least would end the separation necessary to maintain genetic integrity permanently. If the conclusions seem cynical, unfairly maligning the motives of these wonderful activists, abolishing laws against miscegenation did indeed turn out to be part of the “civil rights” package. Therefore, the Senator was right about that.

Item by item, he pointed out the effrontery of these activists. Sometimes he called them out for pulling a fast one by invoking American values, when they really were attempting to redefine them to suit their purposes. Nice try! That flag-waving act was cute, given how many were extreme Leftists or even outright Marxists. Some of them disingenuously tried to assert a linkage of desegregation with the outcome of the war, for example:

According to [Langston] Hughes — and this is where the Negro mind and blood asserts itself — World War II was fought for the purpose of mongrelizing White America. If the South and the decent, self-respecting white people of the rest of the Nation had ever entertained the slightest suggestion that World War II was fought to integrate the Negro into the social life of white America, we would have had a nationwide rebellion against the conscription of the 12,000,000 or more men and women who marched and fought in the uniform of our country in order to win this war.

If the public had known what the agenda was going to be over the coming decades, perhaps they would’ve been tempted to join the Waffen SS instead.

Actually, the enumerated demands contained considerably less piss and vinegar than typical rhetoric beginning in the 1960s. Still, the chapter was a tough slog. Despite any legitimate grievances that the black community might’ve had in the past, I have remarkably little patience for their activists. All too many have been phony preachers, Marxist fellow travelers, two-bit demagogues, or grifters. Their incessant bellyaching has become especially tiresome following recent events. Sure, one could argue that colored people were getting the fuzzy side of the lollipop under “Jim Crow” laws. However, desegregation certainly didn’t make them happy! During the mid-1960s, the rioting and insufferable effrontery went into high gear, and we’re getting more of the same lately. At this point, the bellyaching activists can go cry me a river.

Inequalities of the White and Negro Races

The chapter on Rassenforschung discusses intelligence in the beginning. Other topics approximately resemble some of the more politically incorrect writings of Thomas Jefferson. The gentler way of putting it is that evolution didn’t do the same things in all regions of the globe, or work at the same pace. Naturally, much of this discussion would make today’s Leftists shriek like little girls at a slasher movie. One of the more moderate statements:

We hear much about the so-called equality of the races from certain Negroes who seek to defy the laws of God and man in order to mix and mingle and intermarry with white people, but we seldom hear them express any gratitude to white Americans and particularly to Southern white Americans for what has been done for the Negro in America. The slave traffic may have been evil and horrible and the institution of slavery may have been wrong; nevertheless, slavery in America definitely left the Negro in a better condition than it found him.

It really goes against the grain to say it, especially now, but African-Americans have a per capita income ten times higher than Africans in Africa. So much for the lingering aftereffects of slavery we hear so much about lately! Quoting another author making the point that blacks benefit from being in an advanced society that other people developed:

All these things came to him as a free gift from the white man. They were left a penniless liability among former masters in the South, who assumed responsibility for their welfare. The debt of gratitude they owe the people of the Southern States can never be paid. Instead of gratitude, they revile and abuse their benefactors.

This is the sort of thing that can make soft liberal heads explode. The book also touches on the “nature/nurture” debate. It deflects the usual counterargument, though other authors have taken that much further in more recent times.

From study after study since then, some controlling for socioeconomic status and other environmental factors, there is much more data about these subjects lately. Although they tend to be discussed far more gently, that’s still heresy. The case for radical egalitarianism is propped up only because of massive ideological support and the usual intimidation tactics. The Leftist fallback tactic, since they can’t win debating facts, is resorting to increasingly vague, immeasurable, and tautological arguments: “privilege,” institutionalized this, systemic that, Afrocentric theory, etc. Naturally, making nebulous assertions avoids having to prove them.

False Interpretations of American Democracy

Here, Senator Bilbo addresses political concerns. One of these is about the statement in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal. (I’ll add to this discussion that one of the earlier drafts stated “all Englishmen are created equal,” which reflects Thomas Jefferson’s thoughts more precisely.) Jefferson did also state:

Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.

Moreover, he was an early champion of the colonization solution to the race problem, the same idea that Senator Bilbo was promoting. The latter continues:

The Negro leaders not only claim that American democracy teaches the social equality of the white and black races, but they go further and proclaim that the denial of this equality is fascism. According to Doxey A. Wilkerson, many Negroes have asked: “Why fight fascism in Germany when we have fascism right here in America?”

That’s quite precious, coming from Comrade Wilkerson. (I wonder what he thought about the fact that after Mussolini took over Ethiopia, he freed the slaves. Speaking of another who did the same, the Lincoln-Douglas debates are quoted again. For example:

I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not, nor ever have been, In favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior. and as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

In any event, America began as a pro-white country, and still was at that point, so reductio ad hitlerum arguments against remaining so don’t hold much water.

False Concepts of The Christian Religion

After having dealt with radical egalitarian arguments from science and politics, the subject turns to religious appeals. Ultracalvinism has become a new topic of discussion lately. It does have its own intellectual history. Still, we can loosely define it as the proposition that God endorses whatever Current Year liberalism stands for.

Contrary to such contentions, it doesn’t make sense that God would create the multiplicity of races without a reason to do so. Therefore, mankind would be wrong to undo this arrangement. Other than that, the Bible speaks of the brotherhood of man under God, but pointedly does not speak against earthly hierarchies. Also, the following passage often is given a universalist interpretation:

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth

However, those who use just this excerpt are pulling a fast one. Right after that is this, which supports nationalism rather than universalism:

. . .and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

David Duke also caught this bit of creative editing, which he pointed out in his autobiography.

The Campaign For Complete Equality

While the country had been busy fighting the war, things were astir back home. Black leaders were demanding full equality (as they saw it) and unapologetically launched an all-out effort during the midst of a national crisis. Obviously the white collaborators played an instrumental role:

These demands are clearly evidenced and openly stated in the two hundred or more books which have been written in the past four years by Negroes and Quislings of the white race. During this same period of time, day after day, week after week, practically every Negro newspaper has printed sensational and inflammatory news items and editorials which have preached that any form or character of segregation is discrimination. They have sought to inflame the Negro mind against the white race, North, South, East, and West, and have attempted to incite and embitter the minds and hearts of every Negro man and woman in the United States against the whites.

Needless to say, much Afro-chutzpah follows. They wanted everything their way; rather like the saying goes, “my way or the highway.”

Diverging from the text for a moment, what happened later? By the 1960s, all the demands were fulfilled and they got everything they wanted. The liberal Warren Court did much of the heavy lifting. Brown v. Board of Education was a major score, an odd ruling in which a key piece of evidence was some psychological study involving dolls. Whenever SCOTUS wants to exceed their authority and legislate from the bench, they justify it by finding some “penumbra” or “emanation” that supports their social engineering goal of the month, but the doll thing certainly was a new one.

Was that the end of the story, and everyone embraced in everlasting harmony? Not exactly. . . The Overton Window was on the move, faster than ever. More demands were raised, and preferential treatment was the next step granted. Despite all this acquiescence, race riots became a summertime tradition. Fast forward half a century, and freedom of speech is under attack, mobs of leftist Pod People are destroying every monument to white history that they can find, and cities are aflame again. One might even ask, was that “civil rights” stuff from long ago really only about equality?

All the Afro-chutzpah makes this chapter a tough slog, but in a way, it’s a breath of fresh air compared to what was on the way in the decades to come. White collaborators are to blame too. He calls out the Southern Conference for Human Welfare in particular, a New Deal-era umbrella organization. It turns out that this happened to be a Marxist front group. Present-day knowledge also reveals more dirt on some of the collaborators he mentions.

Now here’s an evocative quotation from a magazine article:

Today’s Black Brain Trusters don’t beg. These new Negro leaders have shed every tradition handed down from slavery days. They operate efficiently through official government agencies, through their press with a million and a half readers, through shrewd lobbying in Congress, even through direct pressure on the White House. Specifically the Black Brain Trust is divided into the government and nongovernment branches. The government branch in Washington consists of race-relations advisers in numerous departments who look out for Negro interests. But they would be fairly impotent if it weren’t for the outsiders — union leaders, preachers, politicians, editors, and heads of national organizations who can turn on the political heat when ordered. The Washington boys provide the fancy footwork; the others provide the heavy punches. As a team, they work as smoothly as Joe Louis and his managers.

Wouldn’t it be great if whites today had something like this in the government that their forefathers founded? We’re creative and dynamic people; maybe it’s time to set up our own lobby, since everyone else has one for themselves. If (for example) AIPAC represents 2% of the population and is one of the three most powerful Washington lobbies, imagine what 60% of the public could do, or even just its aware elements for now.

Here’s another interesting excerpt from a magazine article by Ira Calvin:

If it be treason to advocate the overthrow of the government of a people, it follows, as truly as the fact that the whole is greater than any of its parts, that to advocate the destruction of the people themselves is the highest kind of treason.

Now let that sink in for a moment.

Astounding Revelations to White America

Franz Boas is put on target, a shady and disingenuous character in academia who became the apostle of race denialism. I’ll add that strangely, he comes across as being even more enthusiastic about miscegenation than the black activists quoted earlier. Once again, if race is meaningless, then what’s the point of mixing them all up? Furthermore, what was the motivation? So the black activists wanted access to white women, but why was Boas so happy to help? I’d rather that I didn’t have to get all cynical, but maybe Professor Kevin McDonald [http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/chap2.pdf | has some ideas]].

I wrote about him too in Deplorable Diatribes. The following concerns a faked study in which Franz Boas essentially was promoting a “magic dirt” argument:

His big debut, where he broke ranks with earlier biologists going all the way back to Darwin, was a study of immigrant families showing that their skull shape changed over the generations, becoming more similar to Anglo-Americans. It was considered a groundbreaking find, though it’s unclear why anyone believed that nonsense without any plausible explanation. Today, we know how DNA works. Even so, Leftists still believe that culture has nothing to do with biology.

Despite the absurdity, his study made quite a splash. Decades later, his monumental discovery was revisited, and it turns out that his research was phonier than a three dollar bill. If Boas had been right about this magical effect, then San Francisco’s Chinatown would be a white neighborhood by now.

He became a collegiate evangelist of Leftist ideology (much like the Frankfurt School). His top students at Columbia went into academic careers spreading his politicized cultural anthropology. Some others went on to produce egalitarian propaganda, like Ruth Benedict (Margaret Mead’s girlfriend) and Gene Weltfish, whose booklet “The Races of Mankind” was distributed to the armed forces. Then this:

At the present time, Edwin E. Embree, head of the Julius Rosenwald Foundation, is granting fellowships and scholarships in order to place the apostles of Boas’s doctrines in some of our best educational institutions, even in some of our Southern colleges and universities. In this manner, the damnable and blighting teachings of these disciples of Boas are being disseminated and inculcated into the minds of the pure-blooded Anglo-Saxon students of Dixie. It is also true that Embree is granting fellowships to Negroes and white Quislings to write books on the subject of Negro or social equality.

So that’s where some of the deluge of radical egalitarian books came from. It turns out that the Overton Window isn’t exactly an impersonal force that just moves itself!

Senator Bilbo does call out various collaborators and airheaded intellectuals of WASP, Scandinavian, and Italian extraction; apparently suffering from pathological altruism. Aside from them, I regret to say that certain coincidences are hard to miss. Personally, I don’t care for multiculturalism peddlers of any background. I’d really prefer just to call out bad behavior, no matter who is doing it, and leave it at that. Still, when confronted with the facts, it’s impossible to avoid forming inferences.

Note well, he did not hold all Jews responsible for spreading destructive propaganda, and neither do I. Still, he did consider the prominent role by their elite types to be conspicuous and something that would make all of them unwelcome if they kept it up. Surely he was familiar with Southern Jews, who generally are unobjectionable, and I’ll add that this is so for Utah’s Jews, but some of the New Yorkers were ruining it for the rest of their brethren. He once gave an epic verbal spanking to Leonard E. Golditch, Secretary of the National Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism, apparently a lawfare foundation of the time:

There are five million Jews in the United States and the majority of them are fine public citizens, but if Jews of your type don’t quit sponsoring and fraternizing with the Negro race you are going to arouse so much opposition that they will get a very strong invitation to pack up and resettle in Palestine, the homeland of the Jews, just as we propose to provide for the voluntary resettlement of the American Negro in West Africa their fatherland. Now do not pop-off and say I am in favor of sending the Jews to Palestine. What I am trying to say to you is that there are just a few of you New York “kikes” that are fraternizing and socializing with the Negroes for selfish and political reasons and if you keep it up you will arouse the opposition of the better class of your race.

This got reported in the August 6, 1945 edition of Newsweek. It probably was accompanied by editorializing almost as heated as the mushroom cloud that went up over Hiroshima that very day. One might imagine the results now if a Senator rebuked the $PLC’s head honcho, warning that troublemakers should stop pandering to minorities or they’d earn a one-way trip to Israel.

Even if stated bluntly, he does have a point. Most of the Jews one meets in daily life are decent people, and hardly anyone (other than Muslims) has a dispute with them about religion these days. Sadly, their reputation is being harmed by bad behavior of their elites and radical types. There would be no reason for costly “watchdog” outfits to combat anti-Semitism, conduct lawfare, and handle damage control if only those who behave badly would stop doing that.

The Springfield Plan and Such

With oblivion on the horizon, the egalitarian do-gooders were making proposals for more integration. Here’s probably the most famous Bilbo quote:

If our buildings, our highways, our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our white race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for the future would be forever gone. The maintenance of American civilization would be as impossible for a negroid America as would be the redemption and restoration of the white man’s blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro.

Of course, that’s highly politically incorrect, but is it wrong? Looking at it another way, would China really remain Chinese if its population got replaced or crossbred out of existence? Fortunately for them, their rulers are wise enough not to commit such a monstrous crime against their own people.

The Springfield Plan was a school integration proposal, about the same as what exists now in actual fact. Another proposal was more radical than that. It was an exchange program where children from Harlem would live with white New England families for the summer. Meanwhile, their own children would go to Harlem and live amidst the cultural enrichment. (What possibly could go wrong?) That one was dreamed up by some reverend suffering from pathological altruism. Other turbulent priests added their two cents to the cause of integration likewise. Strangely, some of the “Christians” described here and elsewhere didn’t seem to have anything to say about religion besides “social gospel” stuff.

The Dangers of Amalgamation

This topic also is highly politically incorrect. It discusses, shall we say, the concept that crossbreeding is not an improvement. (Could he have imagined that six decades after publication, one of the people he was talking about would be on the way to the Presidency?) I’ll add once again that mixed-race people aren’t at fault for whatever background they’re born into. Still, it’s hard for me to imagine the confusion and rootlessness they suffer from, and deliberately bringing children into the world this way — torn between two cultures and finding it difficult to fit in — is a disadvantage to them.

Then theoretical and demonstrated effects are discussed. Basically, if a crossing can’t reliably replicate the best traits, then what’s the point? Moreover, specialization is lost.

Without respect to inferior and superior, if you crossbreed Hereford and Jersey, you have neither milch cow nor a beef cow. If you crossbreed an Irish setter with a bloodhound, you have neither bird dog nor man hunter. If you should crossbreed Percheron with “Man O’ War,” you would have neither racehorse nor draft horse.

Then aesthetics is discussed. There’s actually much one could say about the microevolution of European beauty, but all that’s another discussion. Preserving these unique phenotypes is a good thing in itself, and only pure lineages can do so. I’ll add that the morphed pictures that occasionally appear on the cover of monthly news magazines, brazenly proclaiming to the rubes what the future will look like, somehow always are hideous, “uncanny valley” stuff.

The discussion turns to legal status, which prohibited these matches in most states. (Later, in the Loving v. Virginia case, the liberal SCOTUS majority determined that race-mixing was a right hidden away in the Constitution somewhere, which surely would’ve surprised the Founders who wrote it.) Then it discusses typical characteristics of those entering interracial relationships, and little has changed since then except the numbers. The latest estimate was that the rate recently had crept up to the alarming figure of 575 per year in the USA. Well, it would be nice to get back to that!

Physical Separation: Proper Solution to the Race Problem

Since proximity makes race-mixing possible, and eventually inevitable, then separation is the only permanent answer. While mostly effective at the time, segregation was only a half measure. The proposal here is repatriation to western Africa, their ancient homeland. I’ll add that South Africa might be an even more preferable destination. Sweetening the deal, it has better infrastructure, having been a First World country in earlier times. We could trade our blacks for their whites, solving the race problem on two continents.

The plan set out in the book is hardly unique or even radical in the big picture of American tradition. Several Presidents since Jefferson supported the concept. This led to the creation of Liberia. (The place is a mess now, after the African-American elites were deposed, but things did get off to a promising start for a while and it could’ve done better with a larger founding population.) President Lincoln probably would’ve finished the job right, if he’d had a chance. The idea later was taken up again by Commander Rockwell — the other Lincoln — bringing it into the Dissident Right. Some blacks also were in favor, most notably Marcus Garvey, and we’re even seeing a small renewal of interest among them. Lately, a fellow named Greg Johnson made a key contribution by filling in some details about the peaceful transfer of populations.

The rest of the book discusses practicalities, the advocates of separation, the founding of Liberia, and how to generate popular support. The barriers to completion of the repatriation project have been the same since Jefferson first proposed it. Logistics is one. That’s become less difficult, now that passenger jets, ocean liners, and troop transports are in abundance. Gathering the political will is the other challenge. Globalism remains an obvious barrier, since the ruling class would be quite happy to mix distinct populations (beginning with ours) into a homogenized mass of production-consumption units. They’ll have to be pushed away from the helm before they sink the ship of state.


So here we have a powerful answer to those who say dissolving into a global melting pot is acceptable, either using a permissive “personal lifestyle choice” argument, or proposing a utopian cure-all for racial tensions. The book’s rhetoric is too strong for general use these days. Still, there are ways to present the same specifics with greater finesse.

Other than matters of style, the book has aged remarkably well. One interesting detail is that race-mixing is still ideologically promoted by Leftists, Zionists, and globalists, approximately the same types who were doing so in the late 1940s. The major difference is that the propaganda has become far more aggressive. That’s starting to do significant damage, and if they keep at it, the day will come when it must be addressed suitably.

The acceptance of degeneracy among the public provides some more data points, demonstrating further practical reasons to avoid miscegenation. As we covered earlier, it means looking forward to a future as a single mother on the dole. He gets his ego gratified, and she gets on welfare:

Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.

The first sentence in particular especially speaks volumes. Statistically, a black man therefore is 30% likely to marry a black woman who has his baby. (Even that figure is remarkably dismal, and a number hardly conveys the misery experienced by masses of fatherless children.) However, he’s ten times less likely to marry a white woman who does so — a highly unlikely 3%. What does that say about his motives, or respect and valuation? Her motives usually result from ideological conditioning, mental problems, or juvenile rebelliousness. So much for all that lofty rhetoric about loooove. Moreover, despite much babbling long ago about intermarriage, the practical results mean getting pumped and dumped. Note well, none of this should be construed as sympathy — burn the coal, pay the toll.

All told, race-mixing is a one-way street to destruction. (It’s peculiar that few white environmentalists object to this, although they certainly understand the destructive effects of genetic pollution among animals, as well as resource competition and territorial encroachment. They’ll raise a great outcry on behalf of the survival of whales, spotted owls, condors, and so forth, even rare breeds of cave crickets, but have nothing to say about their own people.) Future technology such as Gattaca-style chromosome selection or a eugenics program to rival the Bene Gesserit might be able to recover lost lineages, but presently all that’s science fiction. Genetic confusion should be avoided.

Finally, blacks need to be aware that they too are at risk of disappearing forever into a multiracial melting pot. All their tragedies and hard-won triumphs will be meaningless, their Ebonics dialect will be merely a quaint historical curiosity, and their African-American culture will be forgotten if the globalists get their way and crossbreed everyone out of existence. Moreover, they’re always unhappy about being oppressed. Therefore, wouldn’t it be better to go it alone and take up the reins of their own destiny? Nothing we do ever has made them happy, so why continue this failed social experiment called multiracialism?

Let us all raise our voices in harmonious solidarity and proclaim as one: “Stop the hate; separate!”

Tags: CulturalMarxism, Segregation, Slavery, Racialism, TheNegroQuestion, EthnicSeperation

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