Know Your Enemy by Delia Mares


In writing “Know Your Enemy” Mrs. Mares has done a great service to the American people. Her book provides a concise exposition of the development of the Communist Party and its tactics of subversion. Pointing out that the teachings of Marx as refined and explained by Lenin and Stalin constitute the “bible” of all Communist thinking and action today, Mrs.Mares devotes the major part of her book to an analysis and description of the life and teachings of these three “architects” of revolutionary Communism, and the role which they played in the development of the Communist state in Russia since the turn of the century. Her detailed analysis of the means employed by Stalin to perfect his absolute control over the lives of the Russian people and her lucid description of Soviet foreign policy furnish us with a valuable insight into the Soviet techniques of subversion employed so success - fully on a global basis since World War II. The author shows us that the discipline of the Communist Party is more like that of an army than that of any other political party. We should not underestimate its organization, its temper and its vigor. We face a ruthless and tenacious foe whose tactics may change even to temporary retreat but whose objective remains the same—a world empire.

The author helps us to comprehend the character of this war of maneuver which the Kremlin wages against us in every target country using the 5th column and the Communist Party as Stalin’s Army of Occupation.

This book should be read by every citizen. All high school students especially should read it in order to prepare themselves to meet a danger which will challenge their future. Against such a foe we must exercise sustained effort perhaps for many years.

An imaginative and affirmative American foreign policy can be reached only by a realistic appraisal of the aims and objectives of the Soviet Union. The author gives us this appraisal.
September 25, 1952


General Donovan is uniquely fitted to judge this book because of his first-hand knowledge of Russian Communism and its tactics of world conquest. As soldier, statesman and advisor to presidents, he has pioneered in the understanding of the psychological, economic, and political factors in modern warfare. During World War II he founded and directed our first national foreign intelligence service, the Office of Strategic Services, which led to the present Central Intelligence Agency. Few living Americans can match a career which has taken him from fighting in Mexico and World War I battlefields through every trouble zone in the past thirty years, down to Iran and Korea.

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Tags: Communism, CulturalMarxism, America, USSR, YiddishLying, YiddishPsychopathy, JewWise

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