Biological Ethnocentrism: The Negative Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Upon Societies and Individuals


This document is a comprehensive index of studies, both historic and contemporary, detailing the negative effects of racial and ethnic diversity. The authors of these studies hold a wide range of political beliefs, though, pro-diversity/globalism, pro-left-wing/liberal are the most common among them. This data statistically validates, beyond all reasonable doubt, the theory that racial and ethnic diversity is overwhelmingly negative. Diversity is colossally detrimental to individuals and society alike, in almost every conceivable way: physical and mental health, social cohesion, violence, trust, criminality, etc. The more diverse a society is, the more pronounced and severe these negative effects are, however, even small amounts of racial or ethnic diversity are enough to cause a quantifiable negative impact. Individuals of every race fare worse within racially and ethnically heterogeneous societies, though racial heterogeneity has a greater negative impact than ethnic heterogeneity (when the ethnically heterogeneous society is mono-racial).


“Diversity is our Greatest Strength™!” Undoubtedly you’ve heard the phrase from time to time. The most powerful institutions of the world are in unanimous agreement that diversity is unquestionably a colossal benefit to our societies; economically, culturally, and genetically. This includes: the mainstream media, education system, corporate entities, government officials (both Left and Right), various supranational organizations, such as the UN, EU, IMF, World Bank, etc. 1

Not only does the entire global elite espouse a pro-diversity message, but they have also deviously engineered a scenario in which it is almost entirely forbidden to oppose their unanimous consensus. Any individual who dares to question the enormous, quantifiable benefits of Diversity™ faces severe threats of social, economic, and legal punishments. Social penalties—which have been engineered via a relentless, 24/7 pro-diversity propaganda bombardment from every source of information imaginable—include social shaming (loss of social status), isolation, loss of friendship, and familial rejection. The questioning individual is decried as a “hateful bigot” and cast out of “polite society” as a pariah. Economic penalties include loss of employment or employability and, increasingly, rejection from public services, such as banking or transportation. These penalties operate similarly to China’s “social credit” system, but are widely regarded as non-tyrannical because “private corporations can do whatever they want” (strategic Libertarianism). In more tyrannous countries individuals who question the benefits of diversity face fierce legal repercussions, see, for example, the United Kingdom’s insane “Hate Speech” laws, which roughly translate to “offending someone who isn’t a White male is illegal.”

All in all, those who care about the truth and the overall happiness of society are in a pretty sticky situation. Fortunately, as this so-called “Diversity Experiment” progresses, the disparity in opinions between the relentlessly pro-diversity global elite and the vaguely-diversity-skeptical general populace is becoming more and more abyssal. The number of normal people speaking out against this transparently engineered and wholly unnatural agenda is growing exponentially.

This document aims to provide anyone looking to challenge the status quo with enough credibly sourced intellectual ammunition to do so. The information contained within this document is certainly “politically incorrect,” but it was by no means gathered by “fascists” or “bigots,” as many detractors will predictably claim. The sources contained within this document were authored by individuals who hold a wide range of political beliefs; if anything, Liberal or Leftist pro-diversity beliefs are the most prevalent among them. The authors’ suggested “solutions” to the problems of diversity are very much in line with the ideological goals of the global elites: “Diversity is harmful now but maybe good in the future (despite all of our own evidence indicating that the exact opposite of the latter is true), we simply need more ‘inclusivity’ propaganda and state ‘education’ (indoctrination) to get us through this rough patch,” and so on.

For the sake of continuity, within this document “diversity” will always refer to ethnic and racial diversity, unless specified otherwise (for example, age or religious diversity). The main relevant points from each study are highlighted in layman’s terms in large text, with supporting quotes beneath them. Sections are divided by study or article, with links to the relevant sources at the beginning of each section. All links and sources are accurate and accessible as of June 2019.

Please be sure to back-up this document and the articles linked within, and disseminate them as far and wide as possible. 2


1 The mainstream pro-diversity consensus is regurgitated by every powerful entity in the West and is rapidly spreading to the east:

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