Gottfreid Feder - National Socialist Economist


Gottgreid Feder - Social National economist anti Jewish Zionism.

  • nationalization of banks and the issuance of debt-free money;
  • institution of a monetary work standard;
  • creation of a debt-free, non-inflationary system of public works; gottfried feder interest free money
  • establishment of a defined economic border; and
  • barter in international trade.

Gottfried Feder created the goal of "Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft" (Destruction of Interest Slavery) which took Hitler to power.

In 1932 Gottfried Feder wrote:

Understand this clearly ! In all areas, in our iron and coal industry, clothing and textiles, stone and earth, mining and shipping, wood and glass, in our construction industry, in the gigantic chemical factories, in our formerly internationally dominant electrical industry, in our machine and locomotive factories, dockyards and paper factories, transportation and food industries ; short and sweet, in the infinitely broad area of all our industries--again, all our industries--we find not even 12 billion ! Reckoned on the basis of the splendid situation before the war ! But even at that time THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD ALONE POSSESSED 40 BILLION !
And what might it possess today after the gigantic interest that the war brought its way ! You could gather together all the farmers of the entire world and their total cash assets would not approach the 40 billion of the one family of Rothschilds.

Feder became a mentor in finance and economics. He was the inspiration of National Socialist opposition to "Jewish finance capitalism."

Feder was born in Würzburg Germany on 27 January 1883 as the son of civil Book linkservant Hans Feder and Mathilde Feder (née Luz). After attending humanistic schools in Ansbach and Munich, he studied engineering in Berlin and Zürich (Switzerland); after graduating, he founded a construction company in 1908 that subsequently was particularly active in Bulgaria where it built a number of official buildings.

From 1917 on, Feder studied financial politics and economics on his own; he developed a hostility towards wealthy bankers during World War I and wrote a "manifesto on breaking the shackles of interest" ("Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft") in 1919. This was soon followed by the founding of a "task force" dedicated to those goals that demanded a nationalisation of all banks and an abolition of interest.

In the same year, Feder, together with Anton Drexler, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer, was also involved in the founding of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("German worker's party", DAP), which would later change its name to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, more commonly known through Jew Hollywood clichés as the Nazi party.

Feder became a professor at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin in December 1936, where he stayed until his death in Murnau on September 24, 1941.

In "The Social State, first published in Auf Gut Deutsch, on May 24, 1919, Feder joined Eckart's call for a new and better revolution . He demanded the overthrow of domination by "the golden international," which he associated with the Entente powers, and he proposed the establishment of a form of government which woudl be democratic, highly centralized, and corporatist without usury.

"We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency coverage of gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." -Adolf Hitler, 1937
"And it proved sound. It worked. In less than ten years Germany became easily the most powerful state in Europe. It worked so magically and magnificently that it sounded the death knell of the entire (Zionist) Jewish money system. World Jewry knew that they had to destroy Hitler's system, by whatever means might prove necessary, or their own [system of usury] would necessarily die. And if it died, with it must die their dream and their hope of making themselves masters of the world. The primary issue over which World War II was fought was to determine which money system was to survive. At bottom it was not a war between Germany and the so-called allies. Primarily it was war to the death between Germany and the International Money Power." -William Gayley Simpson, Which Way Western Man (p.642)

Gottfried Feder describes it: "In the nation, taken as an organic whole, every aspect of our private life shows pain, bondage, suppression, insecurity, and presents a clear picture of a struggle of all against all. Government against people, Party against Party, ... employer against employee, merchant against producer and consumer, landlord against tenant, labourer against farmer, officials against the public, worker against 'bourgeoisie', Church against State, each blindly hitting out at his particular adversary thinking only of his own selfish interests. ... No one thinks of his neighbour's welfare, or of his higher duties to community."

"Our economic principle is: the duty of the national economy is to provide the necessities of life and not to secure the highest possible profits for capital." - Gottfried Feder
"Our principle as regards social subjects is as follows: the general welfare is the highest law of all. This principle of ours is in direct opposition to present-day practice according to which every class tries to gain advantages for its own particular group." - Gottfried Feder

Gottfried Feder wrote: "The same must be said of all the coarse, stupid attacks on Christianity. Expressions such as "Christianity has only done harm" merely show that the man who utters them has neither human and political intelligence. It is wrong to abuse in general terms the greatest phenomenon in European history because of the perversities, erroneous ideas and defaults of individuals. The Christian Religion has uplifted and strengthened millions and millions, and brought them to God by the way of suffering."

Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude - by Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel. This article was written for mature and thoughtful people who want to understand today in light of yesterday. It was not written for baboons who start to howl the moment they hear "Hitler" - the way the monkeys of my youth used to howl in front of my window in South America when they heard a thunderclap.

What of today' we have a great number of such "Rothschilds." The Mendelssohns, the Bleichröders, the Friedländers, the Warburgs, to name only a few of the most important. And even if none of these equals its gigantic model each has more money to waste than all our outspoken farmers together ! Yet in spite of this it is precisely the landowners whom our "saviors of the people" brand as the worst, even the only, exploiters, while the true vampire is never mentioned even in a whisper. We are intentionally diverted to the far lesser evil so that we will not see the greatest evil, all-consuming loan capital . And this is the way it's been done from Marx and Lassalle up to Levien, Landauer and Mühsam . Haven't you opened your eyes yet ? ...

Most Germans lost all of their life savings. Their salaries were paid in a currency that soon became worthless. Prices were changing every day, soon it became every hour, and finally every minute. The daily grocery bill now cost billions of Marks. There was widespread hunger and riots broke out. In November of 1923, hyperinflation peaked.

Speaking of NSDP (National Socialist Germany) Interest free monetary system v Jewish Usury .

"And it proved sound. It worked. In less than ten years Germany became easily the most powerful state in Europe. It worked so magically and magnificently that it sounded the death knell of the entire (Zionist) Jewish money system. World Jewry knew that they had to destroy Hitler's system, by whatever means might prove necessary, or their own [system of usury] would necessarily die. And if it died, with it must die their dream and their hope of making themselves masters of the world. The primary issue over which World War II was fought was to determine which money system was to survive. At bottom it was not a war between Germany and the so-called allies. Primarily it was war to the death between Germany and the International Money Power." -William Gayley Simpson, Which Way Western Man (p.642)

Tags: Biography, PoliticalEconomy, WW1Interlude, ThirdReich, Nationalism

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