
by: Jake Arminius | Published: November 11, 2015

The trumpets of shame sound
The poppy of disgrace, worn
The march of Kinslayers remembered
In the Far West
For long ago
A few generations past
Brothers crossed a sea
To murder Kin
On the lands of their birth

Our race was given an avatar
An eagle to fly
On shining banners
The Holy Spirit taking interest
Grace and mercy bestowed
To fight the Eternal Battle
Arms and armour were donned

A call was made of love
A call was made to show
Our love and fight the Serpent
To banish them to the nest
Darkness and poison is their fruit

This fruit did the betrayers eat
This fruit they sprinkled
With the blood of saints
So the Kinslayers and betrayers
Extinguished the light

Europa mortally wounded
She collapsed with a wound to her side
Venom of Serpents seeping in

What pain does a Mother know
Of a slain Son?
His corpse still beside her
Lamentation cannot bring back the breath
Tears cannot water the veins
Touch cannot warm

So this Remembrance Day
Remember not the dark, terrible deeds
Of those that pierced your Mother
Do not dance the dance of Serpents
Dry your Mother' s tears
Stitch your Mother' s side

Light the Candles
Sharpen the Sword
Raise your Cross
Paint your Shield

Honour your ancestors
Learning the Truth
Light the Darkness
Slay the Dragon

Tags: Poetry, BattleCry, Europa

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