Investigations of Communist (Bolshevik) Political Subversion

A couple of examples of the long running campaign Bolshevils, aka political Yiddish, has had in America. The Four Precepts of Being Jew Wise apply here.

Communist Political Subversion - Hearings Before The Committee on Un-American Activities (1956)

United States House of Representatives, Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities, Washington, D. C.
A subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities convened, puirsuant to call, at 10 : 30 a. m., in the caucus room, Old House Office Building, Hon. Francis E. Walter, of Pennsylvania (chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Representatives Francis E. Walter, of Pennsylvania and Gordon H. Scherer, of Ohio.
Staff members present : Richard Arens, director, and Donald T. Appell, investigator.
The Chairman. The subcommittee will be in order.
Today the Committee on Un-American Activities begins a series of hearings on what may well constitute the most dangerous area of Communist activity in the United States; a broad and devious campaign of political subversion.
Subversive activities of all kinds, of course, are the essence of the Communist program in the United States. Political subversion is one phase of this program. It consists of the efforts of the Communist apparatus to paralyze legislative and executive action designed to expose and obstruct the Communist Party members and its adherents.
During the past years a number of laws have been enacted to strengthen the hands of our Government to deal with communism in the United States.
The first of these was the Smith Act. More recently we have seen the enactment of the Internal Security Act, the Communist Control Act, and the vital security provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Besides this, various committees of the Congress have been engaged in a continuous attempt to bring to light the activities of the Communist conspiracy and to effect practical instruments for combating them.
Against all of this, the Communists have reacted with a concerted campaign of propaganda, infiltration, and duplicity intended to convince the naive and the uninformed that these weapons represent far more of a menace to our security than the Communists themselves. With flagrant cynicism they have invoked a broad range of humanitarian appeals. Their real purpose, however, is not to strengthen our traditions but to weaken them.
The legislation wliich they attack is an expression of the will of the American people. These various laws have been open to debate, to public scrutiny and to public appraisal. The campaign of the Communists on the other hand is not open to such inspection. It seeks to conceal its real objectives; and parades with the mask of honesty and reasonableness so that its treachery may go undetected.
During the past months, we have heard much, from people who should have known better, about the Soviet "new look" and the opportunities for peaceful coexistence. We have been subjected to many learned discussions on the supposed changed nature of Soviet communism. It has required a brutal slaughter of tens of thousands of Hungarian patriots to demonstrate that the Soviet Union and Soviet communism are incapable of any change or melioration.
The hearings which we are opening today are the result of intensive staff investigation extending over nearly a year. It is evident from the information thus far available to the committee that the Communist campaign has these three purposes:
* First. To obstruct the work of the congressional committees and governmental agencies responsible for dealing with the Communist organization.
* Second. To persuade the American people that the threat of communism has diminished.
* Third. To create, by means of hundreds of Communist fronts, a clamor for the amendment or repeal of anti- Communist legislation.
Besides creating front organizations, the Communists have also been able to infiltrate a number of non-Communist organizations dedicated to genuine humanitarian purposes. They are attempting to lead these, too, toward the achievement of Communist objectives. It is, of course, true that the fact that the Communist Party favors or opposes particular legislation does not in itself affect the intrinsic merit of that legislation. But it is equally true that the Communist activity in itself does represent a grave danger regardless of the specific objective of its concern. These hearings, I would like to point out, do not deal with any legislative or executive programs themselves but only with the campaign instituted by the Communist Party to destroy these programs. During the following weeks the committee will hold further hearings in key areas throughout the Nation for the purpose of developing additional information on this subject.
The subcommittee appointed to conduct the hearing in Washington in this series will consist of Mr. Morgan M. Moulder, of Missouri ; Mr.Gordon H. Scherer, of Ohio ; and myself as chairman.
We will now call the first witness.
Mr. Arens. Mr. Archibald Roosevelt and Mr. Zygmund Dobbs.
The Chairman. Do you and each of you swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Roosevelt. I do.
Mr. Dobbs. I


Investigation of Communist Propaganda in The United States - Part 4 (February 14, 1957 hearing before the Committee on Un-American Activities)

Hearings were held in New Orleans, La., on February 14, 1957, on the dissemination of Communist propaganda in that area.
Witnesses who testified before a subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities were Milton L. LeBlanc, Assistant Collector of Customs, New Orleans, La. Irving Fishman, Deputy Collector of Customs, New York City; Margaret M. Rosano, United States Customs Service, New York City ; Saul J. Mindel, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. ; and Sgt. Hubert J. Badeaux, New Orleans Police Department.
Their testimony provided further confirmation that the propaganda operations of the Communist conspiracy rank among its foremost instruments of conquest and that communism cannot successfully exist without the effective distribution of its propaganda. Mr. Fishman, who dealt at length with the transshipment of propaganda through the port of New Orleans, testified also on the efforts of the United States Government to control the flow of Communist propaganda into the United States. He stated that the customs service has control units at three ports of entry : in San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. However, he noted that there are approximately 45 ports of entry through which material may be sent into the United States.
Commenting on the labeling of Communist propaganda as required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Mr. Fishman stated that during his entire period of service with United States Customs he had never seen a piece of Communist propaganda from abroad labeled in compliance with the act.
Mr. Fishman testified further that during 1956 customs officers had examined some 6,900,000 pieces of individual Communist propaganda coming into this country from foreign sources. Most of these, he said, were weekly, monthly, or special issue publications. About 40 percent were printed in foreign languages.
In a 30-day spot check of material transshipped from New Orleans to points outside the United States, he said, customs officers examined 1,246 sacks of mail and found that these contained some 11,000 individual pieces of Communist propaganda. This proportion, he said, would indicate that some 170,000 individual items of Communist propaganda passed through the port of New Orleans each year.
During the hearings, several sacks of mail were opened and inspected for the first time. In them the committee found a number of copies of a Bulletin of Information from the Soviet Embassy in Mexico, along with other propaganda material.
Most of this material, the committee was told, was destined for schools, colleges, libraries, and church groups. Mr. Fishman testified that many of the officials of these organizations receiving this propaganda had asked Customs to withhold any future material of this type so addressed because they did not want it and would rather have it destroyed before they receive it.
Mr. Fishman stated further that not all of the Communist propaganda he had examined during his service with Customs originated from the Soviet Union or the satellite countries ; much of it came from France and England.
Sgt. Hubert J. Badeaux, of the New Orleans Police Department, gave the committee extensive information about the dissemination of Communist propaganda and the activities of the Commmiist Party in general in the New Orleans area. He supplied a number of Communist Party directives and examples of propaganda which he had obtained in the course of official investigations.
Sergeant Badeaux testified that the Communist Party in the South planned to distribute some 25,000 copies of the party's national program, as well as some 3,000 copies of party literature. These included William Z. Foster's History of the Third International, Doxey Wilkerson's People Versus Segregated Schools, and pamphlets dealing with the farm problems and racial issues."

Later the lying through their Red teeth media fluffed off all the evidence of a Communist conspiracy by calling it a "Red Scare" as they know shout down any intelligent questioning as "phobias".



(National Assembly for Democratic Rights and Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties)

"The circumstances surrounding the organization of the National Assembly for Democratic Eights indicated Communist involvement, which was confirmed by preliminary committee investigations. Further analysis and study convinced the committee that hearings on the subject would be clearly justified and desirable. Accordingly, the initial public hearings concerning this organization, and its sponsoring and supporting groups, were held on October 2 and 3, 1961, and are being released in two parts.
On the basis of its investigations and hearings to date, the committee concludes that the National Assembly for Democratic Rights and a coordinating and organizing group in support thereof, titled the "Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties," are Communist fronts. Created, dominated, and controlled by members and officials of the Communist Party, the National Assembly for Democratic Rights and the Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties were organized as propaganda devices for the conduct of "mass activity" in support of the avowed objective of "reversal or nonapplication" of the Supreme Court decisions of June 5, 1961, which upheld the constitutionality of the registration and disclosure provisions of the Internal Security Act of 1950 as applied to the Communist Party, and the Smith Act membership clause making punishable active and purposive membership in the Communist Party.
The National Assembly for Democratic Rights, which met September 23 and 24, 1961, at St. Nicholas Arena in New York City, was timed to take place just prior to the commencement of the October 1961 Term of the Supreme Court. At that term, the Court was to consider the Communist Party petition for rehearing in the case of the Communist Party, Petitioner v. The Subversive Activities Control Board, which the Supreme Court on June 5, 1961, had decided adversely to the Communist Party. The immediate objective of the meeting was to borrow the words of Party Chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn as reported in the August 1961 issue of Political Affairs to mobilize a "grass-roots public opinion" to support the argument of the attorneys for a rehearing. The long-range objective of the Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties is to serve as the vehicle for concealed Communist participation in, and direction of, propaganda and agitational activities aimed to nullify the Internal Security and Smith Acts."


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